Monday, March 30, 2009

First Post

Ok, I don't have too much to say, because of Spring Break. Although those around me have assured me this fog will clear....I'm quite unsure.

Thinking is so difficult. And everything I see has tracers. Uggggh. It occilates as well. My head becomes murky, then clear, then back again.

Ok, to address this question of the week:

Honestly. Im with Nick on this one. Myself, I like Obama. But I've trained myself to distrust my own natural opinion; sometimes your intution is right on, and others its the pennacle of illusion.

Sooo...I'm weary on his actions.

I think he's making the right call. Relocation to Afganistan, from my fragile understanding of the situation over there, is the right call.

Thank god our leader isn't actually foolish enough to think of withdrawing all troops immediatly. Even someone with no miltary experience can see that faults in that action.

And I'm all about a leader who listens. After all, the real role of the leader is to rally the troops, as it were. The troops are the ones who do most of the grunt work; in the same way, we need experts surrounding our leader letting him know whats up.

The world feels so far away. Screw this spacy-ness!

By the way, I know Nick is already on top of this (hes forced too), but if the rest of you arn't getting after some basic exercise plan, get on it! We can all go jogging at the cabin, hopefully nullifying some of those other detrimental activies we will be engaged in...

That's all I have for now. More later.

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